My Best Shot Archives
Selection from political commentary in the Del Mar Times. Winner of Society of Professional Journalism & San Diego Press Club awards in several categories, including Non-Daily Column writing.
6/12/01 Society of Professional Journalism Award
Its drive-time and Ray Suarez announces National Public Radio’s newest contribution to the nation’s educational zeitgeist: snuff radio.
...the leader of the player pack is Supervisor Bill Horn who has turned the redistricting process at the Board of Supervisors into a Monopoly game—he wants to swap his Escondido with motels for 3rd District Supervisor Pam Slater’s Fairbanks Ranch and Rancho Santa Fe.
As Independence Day nears, the unofficial start of beach party season at Torrey Pines State Beach and Del Mar’s beaches, thoughts move from celebrations of freedom to crowd control leading to beer consumption on the beach.
A political purge, potential courtroom drama, charges of racism and a lagoon...
Calling all intravenous drug addicts—the City of San Diego invites you down to mid-city to trade in your old needles, two at a time, for clean needles and syringes so that your current out of control disease does not bring you and the people you have casual sex with two worse deadly diseases, AIDS and Hepatitis C.
But why the Sorrento Hills Y is in danger of getting hosed by the City isn’t a laughing matter, and the community will deserve some real answers if we lose this great amenity because of bureaucratic myopia.
And so, when the County Board of Supervisors committed the political crime of the decade by kidnapping a highly valued member of our coastal supervisorial district family and sending a country cousin back in exchange, I reacted like a vulture hovering over carnage—it looked and smelled bad, but such a tasty morsel for a columnist.