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Del Mar Mesa Planning Board

Lisa is a former elected member and Chair of the Del Mar Mesa Planning Board. The board advises the San Diego Planning Commission and the San Diego City Council on planning and land use issues in the unique Del Mar Mesa area. She participated in the city planning process that resulted in a clustered community plan that maximizes endangered open space, creates 10 miles of horse and hiking trails, preserves the historic rural feeling and uses native landscaping.


Carmel Valley Planning Board

Lisa served three terms as an elected member of the Carmel Valley Planning Board during the most intensive build-out of San Diego's largest master planned community now home to over 40,000 people. During her tenure, the board was able to prevent big-box shopping centers, return $20 million in misappropriated monies to the community facilities fund, reverse poor transportation planning and to protect valuable open space and trail systems against several attempts to change the community plan. 

SR56 Task Force

Started in 1997 by Lisa Ross and representatives of the communities of Carmel Valley and the the I-15 corridor, the Task Force advocated for a complete State Route 56 which includes funding for the presently missing connectors from SR56 to I-5 and I-15. The Task Force successfully lobbied for $20 million in funds to complete the 6 mile highway that took over twenty years to finish. The Task Force also set the wheels in motion for a direct northbound connector from SR56 to I-5, completing a Value Analysis Study with CalTrans. 

Future Urbanizing Area

Lisa participated in a 20-month planning process for San Diego's Future Urbanizing area that brought together environmentalists, property owners, planners and community groups to design and implement a plan for 12,000 acres in the north part of the City. The plan ultimately was approved by the voters--5,000 homes, a shopping center, financing for the completion of SR56, and thousand of acres of habitat preservation and restoration, including the creation of Carmel Mountain Preserve.

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